Past Pictures of the Moment

Tina Harris shortly after her first climb in a pit (photo Jeff)

"Smile like Alabama beat Florida John" (photo Ryan)

Becky in Blowing Saltpeter Cave (photo John)

Birmingham Grotto trip to Blowing Saltpeter Cave (photo Becky Mcrae)


Rusty's Cave formations (photo Dave Mcrae)

Rusty's (photo Dave Mcrae)

Sunday afternoon at Rusty's (photo Jeff)

End of the 2400' boat passage in Snail Shell (Photo David McRae)

Becky! (photo John)

Formation in Venetian Avenue (photo Jeff)

Snail Shell entrance (photo John)

Ryan at the third drop in Sinking Cove (photo John)


Timmy! (photo John)

Ryan and Toby at the bottom of Neversink (photo Jeff)

