Splash 08
Photos by David Caudle

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Hold your breath ! Jason Final approachP1170108 Jason P1170133 Jason P1170289 Jason chillin'
Jason going in P1170120 Jason in the halfpipe P1170334 Jeff P1170064 Jeff going in Jeff hitting water
Jeff making spray Joel P1170095 Leigh still afloat Made it P1170145 Not too old Yet P1170125
On the way home P1170395 Out of speed Toby P1160866 going down P1160945v P1160969h
P1160972j Parvin Parvin going in Parvin on plane Playing Ball
Q P1160997 Reachin' P1170345 Ride  it out P1160872 Ridin' Ryan P1170070 Ridin' double P1170128